New techniques help preserve fertility before cancer treatment
Frederick Sengstacke MD Upstate’s Frederick Sengstacke MD was completing a fellowship in reproductive endocrinology at Georgetown University and the National Institutes of Health in 1983 when Howard...
View ArticlePink the Rink for Syracuse Crunch game Saturday — and raise cancer awareness
The Syracuse Crunch hockey team will “Pink the Rink” Saturday Oct. 27, to raise money for the Upstate Cancer Center and the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund. Tickets to the game against...
View Article10th annual ‘Cancer in the Crosshairs’ focuses on lung cancer
Join Leslie Kohman MD and a panel of Upstate experts for an update on the diagnosis, treatment and survivorship or lung cancer, at the 10th annual “Cancer in the Crosshairs” seminar Saturday, Nov. 3....
View ArticleHematologist/oncologist Ajeet Gajra wins Hospice award
Hematologist/oncologist Ajeet Gajra MD will receive the annual Anita Award from Hospice of Central New York in a ceremony in early December. Gajra is an associate professor of medicine at Upstate who...
View ArticleAmerican Red Cross calls for blood donations in Hurricane Sandy’s wake
Upstate University Hospital’s Community campus hosts a blood drive Wednesday and Thursday, in response to the American Red Cross’ call for blood donations in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Make your...
View ArticleJoin us for Lung Cancer Vigil
The Upstate Cancer Center and Upstate’s Colleges Against Cancer chapter host the third annual Lung Cancer Vigil at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13 outside the main entrance of Upstate University Hospital. The...
View ArticleHealthy Monday: 30 reasons to quit smoking, starting Thursday on the Great...
This banner appears on a fence across from the Upstate University Hospital parking garage in downtown Syracuse. Make plans today to quit smoking Thursday, Nov. 15 when the American Cancer Society marks...
View ArticleMustaches and Cancer?
Mustaches and cancer. Staplers and garden hoses. Shopping carts and mud puddles. Pudding and unicorns. No, we’re not playing some random word association game. (Hint: there’s no association with those...
View ArticleRadiation oncology nurse becomes a patient, experiences wonders of gamma knife
Gamma knife radiosurgery does not involve a surgical incision. Instead, beams of concentrated radiation are directed into hard-to-reach tumors in the brain. A young Jeffrey Bogart MD was a new resident...
View ArticleAmbassadors assist ‘ROC-ette’ cancer patients
Among the Ambassadors are William Works, Jim Dooher and Sue Farrell. Patients with cancer make regular visits to Upstate’s Regional Oncology Center and become familiar to their healthcare providers....
View ArticleWinter 2013 ‘Upstate Health’ magazine ready to be read
The winter 2013 issue of Upstate Health is here, featuring Olamide Ajagbe MD on the cover. She is an assistant professor of pediatrics who works some shifts at the Upstate Golisano After Hours Care on...
View ArticleUpstate researcher solves ice cube mystery
Eleven ice cubes came out just fine, but this one had….a stalagmite? “This is meant only in good fun,” I began my inquiry to one of Upstate’s leading cancer researchers, Juntao Luo PhD. In emptying an...
View ArticleScientist seeks better way to send cancer drugs to tumors
Juntao Luo PhD holds a model of a nanoparticle in his Upstate Medical University laboratory. Juntao Luo PhD never imagined himself working on a cure for cancer. He had decided to be a chemist, and he...
View ArticleNo, that’s not a Christmas tree
A tree is perched at the top of the new Upstate Cancer Center, taking shape in front of Upstate University Hospital. It’s the perfect evergreen specimen, strung with a few white lights, but it’s not a...
View ArticleLung, pancreatic cancers among those that will benefit from cancer bill
New federal legislation that President Obama signed last week requires a comprehensive plan of research action for “high mortality cancers” such as lung and pancreatic cancers, whose survival rates...
View ArticleStruggling to quit smoking?
Are you 0r someone you love struggling to quit smoking? This is a process that may take a few tries. “If at first you don’t succeed, quit and quit again,” Dr. Leslie Kohman told YNN, in a segment...
View ArticleHow to manage cancer fatigue
The biologic effects of cancer and/or the side effects of its treatment leave more than 90 percent of patients overwhelmed by fatigue, so much so that everyday life activities become a struggle. As...
View ArticleUpstate introduces services at Community Campus
1 Bariatric Surgery Center. 2 Breast Care Center. 3 Cord Blood Bank site. 4 Epilepsy Monitoring Unit. 5 Golisano After Hours Care. 6 Upstate Orthopedics. 7 Sleep Center. 8 Upstate Urology. Illustration...
View Article3D mammography appropriate for women with dense breasts
Photographer Jim Kearns and reporter Leigh Isaacson from NewsChannel 9 interview Dr. Deepa Masrani, section chief of women’s imaging at Upstate. Photo by Kathleen Paice Froio. About half of women who...
View ArticleCord blood bank will add to research, treatment options
Jared Saya, 14, is wild about soccer today and plays for the indoor club team, Fusion. As a pre-schooler he battled cancer. Kids made fun of him when he was bald during chemotherapy. Photo by Susan...
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