The background photo shows Joseph Jacob, MD, demonstrating Blue Light Cystoscopy. The insets show cancer cells made more visible by the process. (Background photo by Susan Kahn. Inset photos courtesy of Joseph Jacob, MD)Jacob, MD.)
Urologists at Upstate now offer Blue Light Cystoscopy, a technology that significantly improves the detection of bladder cancers.
An hour before the procedure, patients receive about 2 ounces of Cysview imaging solution through a catheter. Cancer cells absorb the solution.
Urologist Joseph Jacob, MD, describes how he examines the interior of the bladder during the cystoscopy. Then he turns on the blue light. Any subtle cancer cells are suddenly revealed as bright pink targets (inset photos).
“It picks up these cancers we weren’t picking up before.”
To learn more about Blue Light Cystoscopy and bladder cancer treatment, contact Upstate Urology at 315-464-1500.
This article is from the winter 2020 issue of Upstate Health magazine.